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API & Service

API and Service-Oriented Softwares are the fundamental products of ApiPrime® Software Services.

Always Integrated

With API Services, you can do whatever you want and much more.

Particular Softwares

We can integrate into any software connected to a database


Web Services

We can design your website as API. In this way, your designs can change as you please.



You can integrate into dozens of different sites using the same system.


Information Distribution

You can update all services by uploading information from a single source.


Corporate Solutions

You can connect your employees to the central system with any application.


Device Independence

You can update your website, tablet and phone apps with a single integration.


Cloud System

You can keep all your applications, images, codes, and databases separately.


High Security

When a user connects to your API, your API connects to you, and all your data remains safe.


Connection Pool

The API concept gives you endless possibilities, for example, when you pick up the handset of your office phone, the word phone busy may appear on your website. Go through the age of security and software with ApiPrime® service-based services.

  • Access your management panel and server over a single IP.
  • Integrate your panels into mail and SMS systems.
  • and more...
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